Day Home Agency

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often are homes monitored and do the educators know when a consultant is visiting?

  • Homes are monitored monthly (with occasional exceptions) and are usually unannounced.

2. What standards do the educators have to meet?

  • All of our educators – and anyone residing in the home who is over 18 – has a criminal record check (including vulnerable sector search). Educators must also have 3 personal references, a medical form signed by their physician and hold a current first aid certificate. The educator’s homes must meet the safety standards outlined by the government. Some of these standards include locked medications, inaccessible cleaning and personal care products, monthly fire drills and the use of child safety gates. 
  • Family Day Home Standards Manual 

3. What types of foods are offered?

  • All educators must follow the Canada food guide when planning and serving snacks and meals. Snacks are to include 2 of the food groups and lunches are to include 4 of the food groups. Day home menus are made available daily to parents and consultants. 

4. How many children are allowed in each home?

  • The maximum number of children in one home is six. Two of those children can be under the age of two with a maximum of three children under the age of three in care at any given time. Educators own children are no longer factored into the ratio of six children in care unless they are under 3 years of age.

 5. What are the fees?

  • All fees are regulated through and paid to the agency. Please phone the office for more information.

6. What is the difference between an approved day home (with an agency) and a private day home?

  • Our approved homes are required to meet agency and provincial standards and are monitored regularly. They follow strict regulations in ages and number ratios of children in care. Private day homes operate independently of an agency.

7. What if my provider is sick or taking time off?

  • Your educator is to notify you personally if she is unable to provide care for your child. You have the option to make your own private childcare arrangements or to call the agency for backup care. It is the parent’s responsibility to contact the office so we can assist you with the necessary arrangements. (Agency backup is not guaranteed as there may not be space available on that particular day.)  

8. What if my child is sick?

  • A child who is sick should not attend their day home. If a child becomes sick at the day home (vomiting, fever, diarrhea) the parent must arrange for the immediate removal of the child from the day home. The child must not return to the day home until the educator is satisfied that he or she no longer poses a health risk to others in the program (Eg, The parents provide a physicians note, the parents declare the child has been symptom free for at lest 24 hours).