Day Home Agency

Things to Consider When Choosing Your Day Home

Parental Childcare Inquiry Form

Please complete and submit this form if you would like more information regarding childcare or would like to register your child. Our staff will contact you to discuss your childcare needs. 

Childcare Inquiry Form
The first step is to take a look at the unique needs of your family situation. It is important to remember that there is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to choosing childcare.
Childcare comes in a number of options, ranging from day care, pre-school, and
out-of-school care programs where care is provided in a larger group setting, to group
family child care and family day homes where there are fewer children cared for in a home setting. Before you begin your search you may want to consider the following to help you identify your child care needs:
• Do you want all of your children to attend the
same program?
• Part-time options may be a consideration.
• The availability of infant care may be
a consideration.
• Do you prefer a smaller setting, or a family
setting for child care?
• What hours of service would accommodate
your family’s schedule and child care needs?
• Do you need a location that is accessible to
your home or work? (e.g. on a bus route).
• Do you require transportation for your
children to and from school?
• Do you prefer a program that offers meals
and snacks or would you prefer to provide
your own?
• Do you require child care for children
with disabilities?
• Are you willing to volunteer at the program?
• What amount of program fees are affordable
for your family?
Once you have identified your family’s child
care needs, you will be ready to search for and consider the options in your community

Fees and Payment

Childcare fees are to be paid on the first of each month before care is given. Methods of payment are – cash, cheque, money order or online bill payment. Please contact our office for current child care fees.